In Metroid and Zero Mission, the blue-bubble shaft on the far right side of Norfair scales the entire height of the area, connecting to all major points of interest. The environment permeates even the rooms containing silver metallic architecture and Chozo artifacts, which are often filled with pools of lava beneath. Some of these caves are comprised of glass bubbles and blue/purple or green bubble-bricks among the natural green rock, giving the area an alien and organic aesthetic some of these bubbles are even melting and dripping from the ceiling, similar to stalactites. Much of Norfair's natural environment consists of volcanic caverns. This region is home to many heat-thriving creatures naturally adapted to survive in these high temperatures. Even then, the pools of magma scattered throughout this region can still harm her until she acquires the Gravity Suit. Its extreme heat is so intense in many areas that Samus Aran is unable to access most of Norfair's key points without protection from the Varia Suit upgrade. Also known as the fire zone, Norfair is comprised of lava-filled caverns and tunnels, and the large amount of molten rock throughout the region is collectively known as the fire-sea.